Whoa! I see potential for some bad stuff coming. And I don't mean the valid peaceful protesting, but what is accompanying it. There's always someone or some group out there to take advantage of any situation--hence the existence of thieves and scamming politicians-- and turn it into an opportunity to fit their needs or desires. The ever-present control conflict again.
One problem is the violent "protesters," or ones who call themselves such, when all they want is to break stuff or steal. Of course, this just aids the current administration's propaganda goals for reelection, as I noted in a July 31, 2020 Letter to the Editor of mine that was published in the Seattle Times. But something new and more ominous is emerging: the militia groups.
They are showing up as counter protesters at numerous locations, individually or in groups, which is their right as long as they are peaceful. However, one difference is that they are heavily armed. And that's a big difference. Add to that the mind-set of their reasoning as to why they think they should be there, 2nd amendment rights, a strong view on white supremacy, plus I don't know what else, and you've got a bad mixture. And we can't for get the implicit and stated support of the president, GOP members, and news media like Fox. Besides, people are getting killed.
I hope I'm wrong, but trends in history seem to follow patterns. Besides, even if there is a change of administration this Fall, it doesn't take effect until three months later and these guys have been largely unnoticed but still there and growing in number for years, and won't go away overnight.