Now we get to the conventions part of this election. It has been said that this year's were going to be different with the Covid-19 restrictions, and so far they are. I watched some of the Dem's presentations and especially Biden's acceptance speech , and it was interesting to see how they did it.
I thought it was well done, given the reliance on video feeds with a few transitions being awkward, but since it was all live and no chance for editing they kept pretty good control of it all. It brought back memories of when all we had was live TV, for those who lived during those times. ;-)
I even thought that perhaps it was probably better than all the hoopla of the usual convention, and even brings up the idea that maybe those are, or should be, dead--as numerous commentators have said. I never watched much of them before, but I appreciated the wide variety of and short-and-to-the-point vignettes that were presented in this format.
I think it gave the covention a much truer presentation of real people and real issues. In that sense, I think the Dems were able to control what they wanted to do alot better. Not so fakey like the old style. Whadda ya think? Next, the Republicans'!